Meditation - Relaxing the Body
Meditation - Learning to Visualize
Meditation - Watching Your Thoughts
Meditation - Healing Your Body
Meditation - Contacting Your Wise
Meditation -
Abundance and Prosperity
Meditation -
Advanced Healing Techniques
Meditation -
Advanced Psychic and Spiritual
Meditation -
Archangelic Ascension Activation
Meditation -
Arcturian Ascension Activation
Meditation -
Arcturian Halls of Amenti
Ascension Activation
Meditation -
Building Your Merkabah and Light
Meditation -
Contacting Your Spirit Guides
Meditation -
Cutting Psychic Cords
Meditation -
Developing Your Psychic Abilities
Meditation -
Forgiveness and Gratitude
Meditation -
Halls of Amenti Ascension
Meditation -
Lord Sananda Ascension Activation
Meditation -
Maintaining Perfect Health
Meditation -
Psychic and Intuitive Healing
Meditation -
Reprogramming Your Subconscious
Meditation -
Venusian Ascension Activation
Meditation -
Balancing Your Chakras
Meditation -
Confident Self-Expression
Meditation -
Enochian Ascension Activation
Meditation -
General Chakra Meditation
Meditation -
General Past Life Regression
Meditation -
Going In and Out of Body
Meditation -
Grounding and Aura Manipulation
Meditation -
Healing Addictions
Meditation -
Healing Alternate Timelines
Meditation -
Healing the Mass Consciousness
Meditation -
Healing the Planetary Grid System
Meditation -
Journey through the Celestial
Meditation -
Journey through the Cosmos
Meditation -
Journey to the Temples of Venus
Meditation -
Kundalini and Sacred Sexuality
Meditation -
Loving Relationships
Meditation -
Mental Projection (Remote Viewing)
Meditation -
Multidimensional Awareness
Meditation -
Precognition and Future Lives
Meditation -
Psychokinesis and Telekinesis
Meditation -
Power of Visualization
Meditation -
Reframing the Past
Meditation -
Release and Integration of Fear
Meditation -
Releasing Judgment, Guilt and
Meditation -
Sacred Fire Letters and DNA Keys
Meditation - Sacred Sound Current
Meditation - Soul Retrieval and
Meditation -
Standard Induction
Meditation -
Synapses Brain Activation
Meditation -
Teleportation and Bilocation
Meditation -
Your Mental Screen
Welcome to my
There are three levels of meditations here. The first five are basic ones
that anyone can use and are provided free of charge.
The meditations in red type are now available
on compact disc. A love offering is requested for using these meditations.
Go to the Order Form to purchase them.
The meditations in purple type are not yet
available. If you contact me, I will give you an approximate date of
I am not responsible for any harmful consequences experienced through mis-use
of these techniques.